Snowball’s of Advice from Bishop Carroll’s Mental Health Symposium.


On January 7th , 2015, during our Mental Health/ Wellness Symposium students found solutions to real world problems.

Activity: Snowball Advice

You don’t have to look far to get advice. Some of the best advice comes from your peers

  • Please write down on the form provided, a situation which  you or someone you know, may be struggling with right now. (do not add any names).
  • Crumple the form into a snowball and toss it into the center of the room.
  • When instructed by the facilitators reach down and grab one of the snowballs from the floor (making sure that it is not your original form).
  • Read over the situation and provide some healthy advice for how to handle the situation in the first column.
  • When you are done, once again crumple your paper into a snowball and toss it to the center of the room
  • Repeat steps 3-5 two more times.- try not to repeat any ideas or advice that has already been written on the form.
  • At the end of this symposium we will be collecting all of the situations and suggestions and compiling a google document. Please check back on the document at a later date to receive your peer advice.

We’re extremely excited and proud to share their thoughtful, helpful, responses. Please scan the QR code to take a look at the advice  Bishop Carroll students shared.

snowball advice

Kick off to 10 Reasons to Live: Bishop Carroll’s 2nd Annual Mental Health Symposium 

Where do you go from here?.. Career Exploration with High School Students

One aspect of my job as a high school counsellor is to help my students reflect on what they may want to do after high school. I personally remember feeling very apprehensive as a student about which jobs were out there and how people actually found their careers.

The world is full of possibility. One of the ways that we at Bishop Carroll, have attempted to share these opportunities with our students was by inviting our parents and alumni to an event we called CAREER SPEED DATING.  The event was a success and we are hoping to make it an annual tradition at Bishop Carroll.

Check out the following video create by @Sspellmancann

What do you think about this event?  How do you promote Career Exploration at your own school? All suggestions and ideas are welcome