Pies Bring Us All Together: Smart Grad 2017

Grad can be an expensive time of year. This year our student grad committee decided to host an event that not only raised funds to help students in need, but also created a positive spirit of community and comradeship within our school community.

1)Each of the teachers, support staff and administrators were given a cup. Over the noon hour the grad committee sold raffle tickets at $1/ ticket. Participants could then select which cup they wanted to add their tickets into.pi12) We purchased one paper plate (safety) and whip cream in order to make the pies.  pi53) Over the lunch hour we invited the school community to participate in this pep rally. Buttons and baking were sold on the way into the gym in order to earn extra funds.

4) Participating teachers were provided with shower caps and plastic bags to cover up. We also made sure to lay plastic out over the floor.

5) Students had a blast checking to see if their name was drawn to “pie” their favorite staff member.


6) Once everyone had been pied a few of our staff members agreed to go up for a 2nd helping, with the honor going to the highest bidder.


Feedback from the day was extremely positive. We earned $685 to put towards grad fees for students in need.

I would highly recommend this to other school who want to build positive school spirit.

Do you have any other suggestions on spirit building activities and events in your community?

Mrs. L

The BCHS 3rd Annual “WE DON’T SAY ” Campaign

2017 Marks the third year of the BCHS Spectrum clubs annual “WE DON’T SAY” Campaign. For information on our previous campaigns please check out the following links:

Creating a Culture of Caring At Bishop Carroll

We Don’t Say 2.0: Our #Carrollculture of Caring Continues

We proudly launched this year’s anti- slur campaign on March 19th, 2017 during the 4th annual BCHS Mental Health Symposium . A big thanks especially goes out to the Bishop Carroll commuity for coming up with our phrases,  Grade 12 executive Olivia Quinn for leading our project,  Arlene Hufalar from the BCHS Photography club for taking photos for us, Spectrum alumni Sara for designing the posters,  Mr. Audet for printing our posters, Mr. O’ Flaherty for approving our messages and Ms. Luong and Boppre for acting as club sponsors.

Here are the phrases that made it into our campaign this year.


What phrases and responses might you have added? Feel free to share this campaign with others, or add comments.

BCHS 4th Annual Mental Health Symposium

On Wednesday April 19th Bishop Carroll’s Mental Wellness Team, Spectrum Club and Jack.org partnered together to put on our school 4th annual Mental Health Symposium.

(see 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Our fabulous, student run event,  involved 100 participants from four different schools in the Calgary area. Participants were encouraged to participate in a number of mental wellness activities including building gratitude baskets, sketching to the fabulous tunes of our very own Kate Stevens, making a button with the Spectrum Club  and being the first to view the launch of the The BCHS 3rd Annual “WE DON’T SAY ” Campaign.

Our students were reminded that everyone experiences “Mental Health”, however at least 1/5 Canadians will experience Mental Illness in their lifetime.


One of our morning keynote speakers  was Calgary teen Maggie Harder who was the original initiator of the  Amazon Suicide Shirt Campaign which took place in January 2016. Maggie spoke to our students about the fact that language matters, and it’s important to stand up (in a positive and constructive way) for what you believe is important.

mental health 6